
Notification groups.

Notification groups are used to assign multiple recipients for any control room notifications and make management of these groups easier.

Notification groups

You can create as many notification groups as you want and each group can contain as many or as few email addresses as necessary.

For instance, you might create a notification group for each site in your organisation - so people who work at each site can be notified whenever a camera is offline or an occupancy threshold is hit at their site. Alternatively, you might have a team who work across multiple sites but they all want to receive an alert when a camera is offline - a notification group can be set up to include these users.

Notification groups can include people who have access to the control room, or the email address of people who don't have control room access. These people will receive the same email notifications, but won't be able to access the control room afterwards to follow up on the issue, for some businesses there are scenarios where this is useful.

Creating and managing a notification group.

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