HoxtonAi Control Room introduction

HoxtonAi control room

Getting started.

The Control Room is where you can set up and manage your People Count and Occupancy Monitoring solutions.

This guide is aimed at first time users. It will take you through the first steps of:

If you're looking for help connecting a camera you have received, please see the Camera setup guide.

For any questions not answered in this guide, please contact our support team suport@hoxtonanalytics.com.

Set up your sites.

Adding a site in HoxtonAi control room

A site is the whole building or address that you want to use HoxtonAi cameras in. You can add as many sites as you need for your organisation.

Setting up a site will be one of the first things you need to do when you get access to your Control Room and the process is very easy.

This short video will explain the process of setting up sites in the Control Room.

Add users.

List of users in your account

Create an account for anyone in your organisation who will need access to the Control Room.

Users can be given access to all your sites or a restricted selection.

Admin accounts have access to all sites in your organisation and all areas of the Control Room.

Member accounts can be specific to just one site.

Adding a new user to your HoxtonAi control room.

Registering a camera.

Once registered, you can view your camera details by choosing the Cameras link in the main navigation.

The list will show you all cameras for each site in your organisation. Expand the view to see the camera image, direction labels and statuses.

Before starting you should have read the camera setup guide.

Once your camera is powered and connected to the internet as described in the camera setup guide, it is ready to be registered. This video will guide you through this process.

When your camera has been registered you can connect it to a monitor. Find out more about monitors.

Register a new camera.

Camera views.

Once registered, you can view your camera details by choosing the Cameras link in the main navigation.

The list will show you all cameras for each site in your organisation. Expand the view to see the camera image, direction labels and statuses.

Create views

Camera view details.

A camera view.

Coming soon


Monitors are coming soon, to replace spaces. Monitors will make it easier to setup and manage your people counting and occupancy solutions.

Until montors are launched, we recommend you talk to our support team for help setting up your cameras.

Email customer support

Camera alerts.

For all HoxtonAi solutions it's essential your cameras remain connected to the internet to be able to keep counting your traffic.

We recommend you set up alerts to notify team members whenever cameras go offline or experience periods of poor connectivity. This ensures you can get the back online as quickly as possible and experience the minimum interruption to your traffic data.

Create a camera alert step 2

Set up alerts for cameras that are offline or have poor connectivity.

Creating camera alerts.

Occupancy alerts.

Occupancy alerts will notify you when certain occupancy thresholds are reached.

Give your alert a name, and choose the sites that this will apply to (if you have staff who work across multiple sites, you might find it easier to set up a single rule to cover all of them).

Your alert threshold is the level of capacity that can be reached before an alert is sent. If the capacity is 100 and you set the threshold to 90%, you will get notified when the capacity reaches 90 people.

Create an occupancy alert

Set up occupancy alerts to be notified when monitored areas are near or at capacity.

This short video will explain the process of creating an occupany alert.


People count and occupancy CSV report downloads

  1. Select the start and end date of your reporting period
  2. Choose the granularity you want the report to use (eg: show people count data in 1 min/5 min/1 hr etc blocks)
  3. Select the cameras or monitors you want to include data from
Download people count CSV

This short video will show the process of downloading your reports.